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Can My Significant Other Sponsor Me to Come to The United States?

 Posted on September 25, 2023 in Immigration

Plano Family Visa LawyerThere is a way for your girlfriend or boyfriend to come to the United States under what is called the Visa Waiver Program, but they can only stay here for up to three months without a visa. However, if your relationship is more serious and you have plans to get married, you may bring your loved one to the United States with a fiancé visa. The paperwork and immigration laws can be confusing, so having a skilled Texas attorney will help.

Who Can Qualify for the Visa Waiver Program?

The Visa Waiver Program is basically a program that allows people who want to come to the U.S. on business or for tourism without having to get a visitor visa. It is the easiest way for your boyfriend or girlfriend to come visit. However, only citizens from 38 countries are allowed to travel to the U.S. under this program. 

What Can I Do If I Want to Marry My Foreign Boyfriend or Girlfriend?

If you are a U.S. citizen who wants to marry a foreigner, getting a visa before marriage usually makes the immigration process faster. For the government to issue a visa, there must be an advantage for Uncle Sam. For example, enrolling in school and paying international tuition would weigh in your favor as it shows you are supporting the country’s educational system.

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Can I Help Relatives Who Are Part of the Caravan Coming to the United States?

 Posted on September 11, 2023 in Immigration

Plano Family-Based Visas LawyerYou may have seen the images of thousands of migrants marching through Mexico to reach the U.S. border. Some of them may be your relatives, and you may be wondering if you can help sponsor them. In the United States, there are rules about who can bring family members from other countries to live with them, which is the focus of family-based immigration. If you are a U.S. citizen or if you are a permanent resident, you can help some of your family members come to the U.S. through special family visas. You can apply for these visas as long as you meet all the legal requirements. You need a Texas immigration attorney to help you if you hope to reunite with your loved ones.

What Paperwork Is Needed to Sponsor a Relative?

It is common for migrants outside of the United States to have relatives already in the country who want to help them. When this is the case, they may pursue a family-based immigration case. The family member can begin by submitting a "Petition for Alien Relative" to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. If the petition is accepted, the family can then apply for the proper visas. When an immigrant visa gets the green light, the migrating party may apply for a permanent residency card.

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What Does it Mean for Someone to Be Deemed Inadmissible In Immigration Law?  

 Posted on August 30, 2023 in Immigration

Dallas, TX immigration lawyerInadmissibility is a critical concept in immigration law that determines whether an individual can enter, stay, or gain lawful status in a country. Being deemed inadmissible, which is another word for prohibited, can have significant implications on a person’s immigration journey. Today, we will explore what it means for someone to be admissible. If you have been deemed inadmissible in the United States, contact an experienced immigration attorney for help now.

Understanding Inadmissibility 

Inadmissibility refers to the legal grounds that make a person ineligible for entry, lawful status, or specific benefits in a country. Immigration laws and regulations set these grounds and vary from one area to another. Common reasons for being deemed inadmissible may include: 

Is Immigrating to the United States Easier or Harder When Children Are Involved? 

 Posted on August 13, 2023 in Immigration

Dallas, TX immigration lawyerThe decision to immigrate to the United States is often driven by a desire to build a better life for oneself and one's children. However, the question of whether immigrating to the United States is easy or hard becomes more complex when children are involved. Today, we will explore some factors that can impact the immigration process when children are part of the equation. If you and your family are looking to move to the United States, contact an immigration attorney today to ensure your and your family's rights can be protected throughout the immigration process.

Family-Based Immigration

One of the primary pathways for immigration to the United States is through family-based immigration. In this context, having children can influence the immigration process in several ways:

  • Additional visa categories – Children of U.S. citizens who are under the age of 21 may be eligible for immediate relative visas, such as the IR-2 (child of U.S. citizen) visa. This can streamline the immigration process and expedite their entry into the United States.

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Common Mistakes During the Green Card Application Process

 Posted on July 29, 2023 in Immigration

Plano, TX immigration lawyerGetting a Green Card, which gives someone permanent residency in the United States, is a big step toward living a successful life. However, the application process can be complicated and difficult, and it is easy to make mistakes. Today, we will discuss some of the common mistakes in the Green Card application process and offer some advice on how an immigration lawyer can help you with this important time.

Failure to Understand Eligibility Requirements 

Each immigration option, such as family-based sponsorship and employer sponsorship, has different requirements. One of the most common mistakes is not fully understanding what makes you eligible for a Green Card. Before you start applying for a Green Card, make sure you are actually eligible to receive one. 

Incorrect Filing Forms and Supporting Documents 

Turning in incorrect or incomplete forms can delay or even lead to rejection of an application. It is very important to carefully fill out the right forms and always provide accurate information. Supporting documents, such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, and police background checks, must be provided in the correct format and translated if necessary. 

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The Essential Guide to Green Cards in Immigration Law

 Posted on July 13, 2023 in Immigration

Dallas, TX immigration lawyerImmigration law can be complex, and understanding the nuances surrounding green cards – officially known as permanent resident cards – is crucial for any individual aspiring to build a life in the United States. Today, we will explore the most important aspects of green cards, including eligibility requirements, the application process, maintaining permanent residency, and potential benefits and limitations. For legal guidance through this process, make sure to contact an immigration lawyer to ensure you understand the process moving forward.

Eligibility Requirements

To obtain a green card, individuals must meet specific eligibility criteria outlined by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). These requirements typically involve having an immediate family member or an employer in the United States who sponsors the application. Additionally, a certain level of education, skills, or financial status may be necessary, depending on the visa category. 

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Tips for Immigrating to the U.S. With Children

 Posted on June 27, 2023 in Immigration

shutterstock_49320484-min.jpgMoving with your children within your own home country can be stressful enough. Many children respond negatively to moves, at least until they are able to get acclimated to their new living environment. If you are considering immigrating to the United States with your minor children, there are a few important ways you can help them make the transition while making the move easier for yourself as well. Immigration to the U.S. is often a very complicated affair. There is quite a bit of paperwork to be done and there are quite a few records you are likely to need, such as your children’s birth certificates and passports. It is better to begin talking to your children about your plan to immigrate early on so that they can begin getting used to the idea. An attorney can help work to make your legal journey towards immigration as smooth as possible. 

Helpful Tips for Moving to a New Country With Minor Children

Children are generally quite adaptable. While they may initially be upset about leaving their home country, they will likely adapt to their new living environment rather quickly. Parents planning to immigrate to the U.S. with their minor children should consider tips including: 

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Which Family Members Can U.S. Residents Sponsor for Immigration?

 Posted on June 14, 2023 in Immigration

Plano Family Immigration LawyerImmigrating to the United States can be a dream come true for many people. For many U.S. residents, sponsoring their family members for immigration is a top priority. By bringing their loved ones to the U.S., they can ensure that their family will remain close and help family members pursue opportunities for education, employment, and other benefits. However, there can be confusion over which family members can be sponsored and what requirements will need to be met when doing so. By understanding the different types of family-based visas that are available, families can determine their best options for addressing immigration issues.

Visas for Spouses

U.S. citizens and permanent residents can sponsor their spouses for visas. However, the types of visas available and the wait times that may apply can vary depending on several different factors. A U.S. citizen can sponsor their spouse for an Immediate Relative (IR) visa, which will usually be immediately available as long as all other requirements have been met. If a person is a lawful permanent resident with a valid Green Card, they can sponsor their spouse for a Family Preference (F) visa. A limited number of F visas are available each year, and they are issued based on an order of preference. Visas for spouses of Green Card holders fall into the second preference (F2A) category of Family Preference visas.

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When Can Immigrants Qualify for Temporary Protected Status?

 Posted on May 29, 2023 in Immigration

Dallas Immigration LawyerImmigrating to the United States can be a complicated process, and there are many different types of visas that may be available, as well as multiple legal statuses that may affect a person's ability to remain in the country and avoid deportation. For some immigrants, Temporary Protected Status (TPS) may be an option to protect against deportation and ensure that they are not forced to return to countries where their safety could be at risk. TPS is intended to protect individuals who are unable to return to their home countries due to natural disasters, wars, or other extreme circumstances. Understanding when a person can qualify for TPS and the process of applying for this form of protection can be crucial for immigrants who are seeking to remain in the U.S.

Understanding Temporary Protected Status

The Temporary Protected Status program was created in 1990, and it grants temporary protections to individuals from certain countries. The Secretary of Homeland Security may designate a country for TPS based on extraordinary issues that temporarily affect the safety and well-being of the country's residents. These may include environmental disasters such as earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, or hurricanes, as well as civil wars, other armed conflicts, epidemics of infectious diseases, or any other dangerous conditions.

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When Can a Child Receive U.S. Citizenship Through a Parent?

 Posted on May 11, 2023 in Immigration

Plano Naturalization LawyerCitizens of the United States enjoy many benefits. They will be able to live in the U.S. on a permanent basis, and they cannot be forced to leave the country. They can live anywhere they want within the United States, work for U.S. employers, and travel internationally with a U.S. passport. Because of these benefits, the attainment of U.S. citizenship is a goal for many immigrants. Children of U.S. citizens will usually also be eligible for citizenship. While citizenship will automatically be granted if a child is born in the United States, parents may need to take steps to make sure children born in other countries are recognized as citizens.

Citizenship Requirements for Children Born Outside of the U.S.

If at least one of their parents is a U.S. citizen who has established residence in the United States, the child may also be granted citizenship. A child's citizenship will be automatically recognized if the child is younger than 18 years old, the child has a valid Green Card, and the child is living in the U.S. in the custody of a parent who is a U.S. citizen.

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