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What do you do with a pending green card application?

 Posted on September 01,2022 in green cards

Even after applying for a green card, it is important to stay on top of the application process the whole way through.

This gives you the best chance of catching mistakes as they happen, as well as ensuring that the application gets processed with no snags or hang-ups.

Stay engaged

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services discuss what to expect when dealing with pending green card applications. First, make sure to stay engaged throughout the process. For example, the USCIS requires an up-to-date address for the application.

If you move, you have 10 days to file the change of address. You need to do so through the USCIS directly, rather than through the U.S. Postal Service. Fortunately, there is a section on their website specifically for this, which allows for quick changes to be made.

Understanding wait times

You can also educate yourself about the average wait times for things like green card applications. If you believe that your wait time falls outside of the average range, you can take action. Your options include calling a USCIS center to speak with a representative directly, checking your case status online, or submitting a case inquiry to find out why your case is taking a long time.

Make sure that you understand other obligations as well. For example, in some cases you cannot travel out of country without nullifying your application if it is still pending. Knowing this information can help increase your chances of getting the application approved and getting you the green card you are after.

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